Geraint’s theme this month is business growth…

Get in touch with Lafan if you are a owner/director/CEO seeking to accelerate your business growth, to discuss how we might be able to support through various programmes we deliver…

Growth, whether that’s in the sense of turn-over, skillset, number of clients, new products or services… is as most businesses understand essential to some degree just to keep up with the competition.  

Continued lack of growth will eventually lead to business demise.  In some fast-moving sectors such as retail and IT, that demise could prove fatal within 2 to 3 years.  In others, where the “vortex of change” is distinctively slower such as primary sectors or those heavily subsidised, the demise could take a decade or two.   

As a business, we have grown on many fronts over the last 12-18 months.  This brings along its own set of challenges… which I must say are easily balanced by the new opportunities created and the satisfaction of being on the “playing field” doing and supporting.  

Many of the support interventions we can offer businesses are tailored around enabling, supporting and accelerating growth.  At any one point, the Lafan team will be delivering 20-30 pieces of work for several clients, and what we can offer changes all the time. 

We have recently for example supported over 100 businesses in Gwynedd as part of the Counil’s ‘Dyfodol Digidol’ support programme, funded through the Shared Prosperity Fund, to mentor them to move forward with their digital application – a key component for growth.

My message in this month’s blog is to encourage you to get in touch with us at Lafan if you are seeking support to unblock or remove some of the barriers that may slow or even halt your business growth.

For some businesses, we will be able to access tailored support to tackle these barriers which could involve setting up the right business systems, building and managing a growing team, technical barriers, governance and business structures, establishing a resilient supply chain, going about outsourcing, dealing with planning, clarifying your vision, developing efficient routes to market, having a strong brand or exercising a growth mindset as part of your leadership.  There are so many things to deal with when ploughing forward. 

We also make and effort at Lafan to make sure we’re aware of other support programmes that exist by some excellent providers locally.  We will not hesitate to signpost you to other organisations if that makes more sense for you and your business.  

Most good things start with a conversation.  So, if you haven’t spoken with one of the Lafan team, then please get in touch.


Building a sand city in the rain...


Welcome to the Lafan team Helen!